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Electric vehicle sector aims more investments

The Electric Vehicle Association of the Philippines (EVAP) aims to attract more investments into the sector when it holds next month the Philippine Electric Vehicle Summit 2016.

EVAP said in a statement the fifth edition of the annual EV summit aims to highlight models of synergetic business collaborations in the EV industry which have the investment potential in generating both profit and positive social impact. On the side, member companies will put on exhibit their latest products and technological advancements.

Set on April 14 and 15, 2016 at the Meralco Multipurpose Hall in Pasig City, the summit is themed “Investing in the EV industry towards a sustainable transport and closer regional economic integration.”

“EVAP has embarked on a program to have its member companies such as manufacturers, assemblers, suppliers, importers, dealers, fleet operators and battery makers collaborate to provide a complete electric vehicle transport solution to clients,” said Rommel Juan, EVAP president.

Juan said a typical transport solution package would include electric vehicles, battery swapping arrangements, charging stations, after-sales services, spare parts support, fleet management and financing.

But he noted a crucial enabler of this collaboration is funding support from private and public financial institutions, something that is now available.

Juan said like in previous EV summits, EVAP expects to gather under one roof over 500 local and international participants composed of EV players, officials from national government agencies, heads of local government units, academic institutions and non-government organization partners in a high level conference and exhibition.(Malaya)

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