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FCCHS sends relief goods to Batangas; donates to Bicol Association

FCCHS (Fil-Canadian Cultural Heritage Society) sends relief goods to Batangas, donates to Bicol Association

FCCHS (Fil-Canadian Cultural Heritage Society) sent relief goods to residents of Alas-as and Pulong Bato, San Nicolas, Batangas. The fundraising money the association has raised on ‘BANGON TAAL’ on 2019 amounting to $6,600 was supposed to build a water pump. Due to continuous typhoons/ volcano eruption, the money was not sent as instructed by the Mayor of Batangas. Lately news that water pumps are ot possible anymore, the group, FCCHS, decided to send the cash and this was used to buy water and sacks of rice to more than 250 family recipients.

They were also the same community that we sent 40 balikbayan boxes when we had our fund raising because of the Taal Volcano eruption in 2019.

Coordinated with Mayor Lester De Sagun of San Nicolas, Batangas, Ms. Jocelyn Atienza, Municipal Social Worker of San Nicolas, Nancy Lascano and Neo Tordecilla, siblings of Joy Sapiera.

Volunteers were the 17 Barangay Captains of San Nicolas who helped with relief distribution of rice and water jars. There were also PNP personnel who help with security and order while the relief were on going.

Also, recently FCCHS donated to Bicol Association of BC $1000 to help for the typhoon victims.

FCCHS is the one in charge of Surrey Fiesta Extravaganza.


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